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  • Basic Relay Operations

    Relay operations are a key part of keeping the power grid safe and reliable. As a system operator, knowing how these devices work is important for responding to problems and maintaining grid stability. Let’s break down the basics of relay operations, why they matter, and go through some real-world examples to help you understand how they function. What Are Protective Relays? Protective relays are devices that monitor the electrical conditions in the power system—like voltage, current, and frequency—and act when something goes wrong. If they detect a problem, relays send a signal to open circuit breakers, which disconnect the faulty part of the system. This helps prevent damage and keeps the rest of the grid running smoothly. There are different types of relays, such as overcurrent relays, differential relays, and distance relays. Each type is designed to protect the grid in a specific way. Example 1: How Overcurrent Relays Work Scenario : A tree branch falls on a power line, causing a short circuit. What Happens : The short circuit causes a sudden spike in current. The overcurrent relay detects the excessive current and, after a brief delay to confirm it’s not just a temporary surge, sends a signal to the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker then opens, cutting off the power to the affected line to prevent further issues. Your Role : As a system operator, you’ll monitor this event through your control system, confirm that the relay did its job, and work with field crews to fix the problem and get the power back on. Example 2: How Distance Relays Work Scenario : A transmission line experiences a fault several miles away from the substation. What Happens : Distance relays measure the impedance (a mix of voltage and current) on the line. When a fault occurs, the impedance drops. The relay detects this and checks if the fault is within its protection zone. If it is, the relay sends a signal to open the circuit breaker. If the fault is farther away, a different relay closer to the fault will take over. Your Role : You’ll need to ensure the relays are set up correctly to avoid any unnecessary shutdowns and to make sure the right breakers operate in response to faults. Example 3: How Differential Relays Work Scenario : A transformer inside a substation has an internal fault. What Happens : Differential relays compare the current entering and leaving the transformer. Under normal conditions, these currents should match. If there’s an internal fault, the currents won’t match anymore. The relay detects this difference and sends a signal to disconnect the transformer. This action helps contain the fault and prevents further damage. Your Role : You’ll see alarms go off indicating the relay has tripped. Your job is to manage the situation by rerouting power if needed and coordinating repairs. Why Relay Operations Matter Understanding relay operations is crucial because they protect the power system from damage and help prevent widespread outages. As a system operator, you’re not just monitoring relay actions—you’re also making important decisions based on what the relays are telling you. This knowledge helps you respond quickly during system disturbances and keeps the grid stable. Conclusion Relay operations might seem complex, but they’re vital for keeping the grid running smoothly. By knowing how different relays work and what they do, you can better manage grid issues and ensure reliable electricity for everyone. Whether it’s an overcurrent, distance, or differential relay, these devices are key tools that help you do your job effectively. .

  • Understanding Energy Markets

    As a system operator, it's essential to have a comprehensive understanding of energy markets. These markets are crucial for the economic operation of the grid, ensuring that electricity is produced and consumed efficiently and at the lowest possible cost. This blog post aims to demystify energy markets for system operators, explaining their structure, function, and impact on daily operations, with practical examples to illustrate key concepts. What are Energy Markets? Energy markets are platforms where electricity is bought and sold. They enable the efficient allocation of resources by matching supply and demand in real-time, day-ahead, and long-term periods. The primary types of energy markets include: 1. Day-Ahead Market: A forward market where electricity is traded one day before the actual delivery. 2. Real-Time Market: A market where electricity is traded on an immediate or near-immediate basis to balance supply and demand. 3. Capacity Market: A market that ensures there is enough generation capacity to meet future demand. 4. Ancillary Services Market: A market for services that support the reliable operation of the grid, such as frequency regulation and spinning reserves. How Energy Markets Affect System Operators Energy markets directly impact how system operators manage the grid. Understanding market dynamics helps operators make informed decisions to maintain reliability and efficiency. Key aspects include: 1. Economic Dispatch: Operators must dispatch generation units based on market prices to minimize costs while ensuring reliability. 2. Load Forecasting: Accurate load forecasts are essential for market operations, influencing both day-ahead and real-time decisions. 3. Resource Adequacy: Ensuring that sufficient resources are available to meet demand and market commitments. 4. Ancillary Services: Procuring and managing ancillary services to maintain grid stability. Practical Examples of Energy Market Operations 1. Day-Ahead Market Operations - Scenario: A utility participates in the day-ahead market to secure energy for the next day. - Operator Actions: The operator submits bids for generation units based on expected demand and market prices. The market clears, and the operator receives a schedule for the next day’s generation and load. 2. Real-Time Market Balancing - Scenario: A sudden increase in demand during a hot summer afternoon. - Operator Actions: The operator monitors the real-time market and adjusts generation dispatch to meet the increased demand. This may involve calling on peaking plants or purchasing additional energy from the market to maintain balance. 3. Managing Ancillary Services - Scenario: A need for frequency regulation due to variable renewable energy output. - Operator Actions: The operator procures frequency regulation services from the ancillary services market, ensuring that resources are available to quickly respond to fluctuations in frequency and maintain system stability. 4. Capacity Market Participation - Scenario: Ensuring resource adequacy for the upcoming year. - Operator Actions: The operator participates in the capacity market auction, securing commitments from generation resources to be available when needed. This ensures that there is enough capacity to meet future demand and maintain reliability. Benefits of Understanding Energy Markets for System Operators 1. Enhanced Decision-Making: A thorough understanding of market dynamics enables operators to make more informed decisions, optimizing the balance between cost and reliability. 2. Improved Efficiency: By effectively participating in energy markets, operators can reduce operational costs and improve the economic efficiency of the grid. 3. Increased Reliability: Knowledge of market mechanisms helps operators anticipate and respond to changes in supply and demand, enhancing overall grid reliability. 4. Regulatory Compliance: Operators must understand market rules and regulations to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. Continuous Learning and Adaptation Energy markets are constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifts in supply and demand patterns. System operators must engage in continuous learning to stay updated on market developments and best practices. Resources such as industry publications, webinars, and specialized training programs like those offered by GridOps Academy can be invaluable. Conclusion Energy markets play a critical role in the operation of the electrical grid, influencing how system operators manage resources, balance supply and demand, and maintain reliability. By understanding the structure and function of these markets, operators can enhance their decision-making, improve efficiency, and ensure the stable operation of the grid. Continuous education and training are essential for staying current with market trends and adapting to the ever-changing energy landscape. Visit to learn more on the energy industry, earn NERC CEHs, or prepare for the NERC Exam! Send any questions to .

  • Understanding Black Start Resources

    In the realm of power grid management, the concept of "black start" is a critical one. Black start resources are essential for restoring the electrical grid after a complete or partial shutdown, often due to a significant disturbance or blackout. This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of black start resources, their importance, and practical examples of how they are utilized in grid restoration. What are Black Start Resources? Black start resources are power generation units capable of starting up independently without relying on the external electric power grid. These resources are crucial in initiating the restoration process of the grid after a total or partial blackout. Typically, black start resources include specific types of power plants, such as hydroelectric, gas turbines, and diesel generators, that are strategically located and maintained for this purpose. Importance of Black Start Resources 1. Grid Restoration: Black start resources provide the initial power required to energize the grid, allowing other power plants to come online sequentially and restore normal operations. 2. Minimizing Downtime: Quick restoration of power reduces the economic and social impact of a blackout, ensuring critical services and industries resume operation swiftly. 3. Enhancing Resilience: Having reliable black start capabilities enhances the overall resilience of the power grid, ensuring that it can recover from major disturbances effectively. Types of Black Start Resources 1. Hydroelectric Plants - Description: Hydroelectric plants are often used as black start resources because they can be quickly started and ramped up to provide power. - Example: The Hoover Dam in the United States has black start capabilities, allowing it to provide initial power to the grid during restoration efforts. 2. Gas Turbines - Description: Gas turbines are ideal for black start operations due to their ability to start quickly and operate independently of the grid. - Example: The AES Huntington Beach plant in California uses gas turbines as black start resources to help restore power in the event of a blackout. 3. Diesel Generators - Description: Diesel generators are often used as auxiliary black start resources due to their portability and ability to provide immediate power. - Example: During Hurricane Sandy, several diesel generators were used to provide black start capabilities and restore power to affected areas. How Black Start Resources Work 1. Initial Start-Up - Process: When a blackout occurs, black start resources are activated to generate the initial power needed to start other generating units. This process is typically pre-planned and coordinated to ensure a smooth and effective restoration. - Example: After a major blackout, a hydroelectric plant might be the first to start generating power. This initial power is then used to start up nearby gas turbines, gradually bringing more power online. 2. Sequential Energization - Process: Once the initial black start resource is online, the process of energizing transmission lines and substations begins. This is done in a controlled manner to avoid overloading the system. - Example: After the hydroelectric plant is online, power is used to energize a critical substation. From there, power is routed to other generating units, such as coal or nuclear plants, bringing them back online step by step. 3. Grid Synchronization - Process: As more generating units come online, they are synchronized with the existing system to ensure stable operation. This involves matching the frequency and voltage of the new power with the grid. - Example: Operators carefully monitor and adjust the output of each generating unit to match the grid’s frequency and voltage, ensuring a seamless integration of new power sources. Practical Examples of Black Start Scenarios 1. Northeast Blackout of 2003 - Scenario: A massive blackout affected parts of the northeastern United States and Canada, leaving millions without power. - Black Start Operation: Hydroelectric plants along the Niagara River provided the initial power needed to start the restoration process. Sequential energization and synchronization brought additional plants online, gradually restoring power to the affected regions. 2. Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (2017) - Scenario: The island's power grid was devastated, resulting in a complete blackout. - Black Start Operation: Diesel generators and small hydroelectric plants were used as black start resources to initiate the restoration process. These initial power sources enabled the gradual re-energization of the grid, though the process was complicated by extensive damage to infrastructure. Challenges and Considerations 1. Coordination and Communication - Challenge: Effective communication and coordination among various stakeholders are critical for successful black start operations. - Consideration: Detailed planning and regular drills are necessary to ensure all parties understand their roles and can act swiftly during an actual blackout. 2. Infrastructure Maintenance - Challenge: Maintaining black start resources in a ready state requires regular testing and upkeep. - Consideration: Utilities must invest in the maintenance and periodic testing of black start resources to ensure they are functional when needed. 3. Geographic Distribution - Challenge: The location of black start resources relative to load centers and other generating units can affect restoration times. - Consideration: Strategic placement of black start resources is essential to facilitate efficient grid restoration. Conclusion Black start resources are a vital component of grid resilience, enabling the restoration of power after a major disturbance or blackout. Understanding how these resources work, the types of black start resources available, and the processes involved in grid restoration can help system operators and other stakeholders ensure a quick and efficient recovery. Continuous planning, testing, and investment in black start capabilities are essential to maintaining a reliable and resilient power grid. Visit to learn more and subscribe to my blog! GridOps Academy is your premier destination for NERC Exam Prep and NERC CEH’s! Reach out with any questions at

  • Understanding Geomagnetic Disturbances

    As a system operator, one of the lesser-known yet significant threats to the reliability of the electrical grid is geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs). These disturbances, caused by solar activity, can have profound effects on power systems. This blog aims to educate system operators on the nature of GMDs, their potential impacts on the grid, and effective strategies for managing these disturbances. What are Geomagnetic Disturbances? Geomagnetic disturbances are temporary disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field caused by solar activity. When the sun emits a burst of charged particles, known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), these particles can interact with the Earth's magnetosphere, causing geomagnetic storms. These storms induce electric fields on the Earth's surface, which can generate geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in power transmission lines. Potential Impacts of GMDs on Power Systems 1. Transformer Damage: GICs can cause half-cycle saturation in transformers, leading to increased reactive power losses, overheating, and potential damage. 2. Voltage Instability: The additional reactive power demand can lead to voltage drops and instability in the power system. 3. Protection System Malfunctions: GICs can affect the performance of protective relays and other control equipment, potentially leading to misoperations. 4. Increased Line Losses: GICs can cause increased losses in transmission lines, affecting overall system efficiency and stability. Monitoring Geomagnetic Disturbances 1. Space Weather Forecasts: Utilize space weather forecasts from organizations like NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) to anticipate geomagnetic storm events. 2. Real-Time Monitoring: Implement real-time monitoring systems to detect GIC levels in your grid. Devices such as GIC monitors can provide early warnings of geomagnetic activity. 3. Data Analysis: Analyze historical GMD data to identify patterns and prepare for future events. Strategies for Managing Geomagnetic Disturbances 1. Operational Procedures: - Pre-Event Preparation: Reduce system load and adjust generator dispatch to ensure voltage stability. Increase reactive power reserves by bringing additional reactive power resources online. - During the Event: Continuously monitor system conditions and GIC levels. Adjust system operations as needed to maintain stability. - Post-Event Review: Conduct a thorough review of system performance and GIC impacts to improve future preparedness. 2. Protective Measures: - Install GIC Blocking Devices: Use devices like series capacitors to block GICs from entering the power system. - Transformer Monitoring and Protection: Equip transformers with monitoring systems to detect GIC-induced heating and install protection schemes to prevent damage. - System Hardening: Reinforce critical infrastructure to withstand GIC effects, such as upgrading transformers and improving grounding systems. 3. Collaboration and Communication: - Inter-Utility Coordination: Collaborate with neighboring utilities to share information and coordinate response strategies during GMD events. - Stakeholder Communication: Keep stakeholders informed about potential GMD impacts and mitigation efforts. 4. Training and Drills: - Regular Training: Conduct regular training sessions for system operators on GMD awareness and response procedures. - Simulation Drills: Perform simulation drills to practice response actions during geomagnetic disturbances, helping operators become familiar with protocols and decision-making processes. Conclusion Geomagnetic disturbances pose a unique challenge to power system operators, but with the right knowledge and preparation, their impacts can be effectively managed. By staying informed about space weather, implementing robust monitoring and protection measures, and conducting regular training, system operators can ensure the resilience and reliability of the electrical grid in the face of these natural events. Example Scenario: What a System Operator Would See During a Geomagnetic Disturbance Pre-Event Preparation Space Weather Alert: A few days before the event, the system operator receives an alert from NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center indicating a high probability of a geomagnetic storm due to a recent coronal mass ejection (CME). The alert forecasts a G3 (strong) geomagnetic storm, which could impact the power grid. Operational Adjustments: - Load Management: The operator coordinates with the dispatch center to reduce system load and ensure that critical reactive power reserves are available. - Generator Dispatch: Additional generation units capable of providing reactive power support are brought online. - Communication: The operator communicates with neighboring utilities to share information and coordinate potential response strategies. During the Geomagnetic Disturbance Real-Time Monitoring: As the geomagnetic storm begins, the operator closely monitors the SCADA system and GIC monitoring devices. The following events unfold: 1. Voltage Fluctuations: - The operator notices unusual voltage fluctuations on several key transmission lines. The voltages may momentarily dip or spike beyond normal operating ranges. - System Response: Automatic voltage regulators (AVRs) on generators and synchronous condensers respond to stabilize voltages. However, the demand for reactive power increases significantly. 2. Transformer Alarms: - Several transformer alarms are triggered, indicating increased heating and potential half-cycle saturation due to GICs. The alarms are displayed on the SCADA system’s alarm panel. - Operator Action: The operator assesses the severity of the alarms and considers derating or disconnecting affected transformers if necessary to prevent damage. 3. Increased Line Losses: - The operator observes higher-than-normal losses on certain transmission lines, particularly those oriented in the north-south direction, which are more susceptible to GICs. - System Response: The operator adjusts power flows to mitigate the increased losses and maintain system stability. 4. Protection System Activity: - Protective relays on some lines may misoperate or send warning signals due to the effects of GICs. The operator receives alerts of these activities on the control panel. - Operator Action: The operator coordinates with field crews to verify the status of protective devices and ensure that the protection system operates correctly. Coordination and Communication: - The operator maintains regular communication with neighboring control areas and regional reliability coordinators to share information about system conditions and coordinate response efforts. - The operator informs generation and transmission maintenance crews to be on standby for any necessary emergency actions. Post-Event Review System Stabilization: - Once the geomagnetic storm subsides, the operator reviews system conditions to ensure all parameters return to normal operating ranges. Transformers are inspected for any potential damage. Performance Analysis: - The operator conducts a detailed analysis of system performance during the disturbance. This includes reviewing SCADA data, GIC measurements, and transformer status reports. - Lessons Learned: The operator documents lessons learned and identifies areas for improvement in response strategies and infrastructure resilience. Reporting: - A comprehensive report is prepared and shared with utility management, neighboring utilities, and regulatory bodies. This report includes the event's impact, response actions taken, and recommendations for future improvements. By understanding what to expect and how to respond, system operators can effectively manage the challenges posed by geomagnetic disturbances, ensuring the reliability and stability of the power grid. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and keep the lights on!

  • Understanding Grid Disturbances

    Example 1: Large Generator Trip Scenario: A large generator (e.g., a 500 MW power plant) suddenly trips offline. Effects on System Frequency: - Immediate Impact: The sudden loss of 500 MW of generation causes an imbalance between supply and demand, leading to a drop in system frequency. - Frequency Response: Primary frequency control mechanisms, such as governor action, will quickly respond to arrest the frequency decline. Generators with active governors will increase their output to counter the frequency drop. - Secondary Control: Automatic Generation Control (AGC) will activate to bring the frequency back to its nominal value by adjusting the output of other generators over a longer period. Impact on ACE: - Initial ACE Spike: The loss of generation will cause a significant increase in the ACE, indicating a large imbalance. - Correction: AGC will work to reduce the ACE by adjusting the outputs of other available generators. Example 2: Large Loss of Load Scenario: A sudden disconnection of a large industrial load (e.g., a 300 MW manufacturing plant) occurs. Effects on System Frequency: - Immediate Impact: The sudden loss of 300 MW of load causes an excess of generation, leading to an increase in system frequency. - Frequency Response: Primary frequency control mechanisms will respond by reducing the output of generators to arrest the frequency rise. - Secondary Control: AGC will adjust generator outputs to restore the frequency to its nominal value. Impact on ACE: - Initial ACE Spike: The loss of load will cause a significant decrease in the ACE, indicating an excess of generation. - Correction: AGC will work to increase the ACE back to acceptable levels by reducing the outputs of other generators. Example 3: Transmission Line Fault Scenario: A critical transmission line trips due to a fault, isolating a portion of the grid. Effects on System Frequency: - Localized Impact: The isolated area may experience frequency deviations depending on the generation and load balance within the islanded portion. - System-Wide Impact: The remaining interconnected grid may experience frequency deviations if the line carried significant power flows. Impact on ACE: - Initial ACE Impact: ACE will reflect changes based on the new balance of generation and load in the control area. - Correction: AGC will adjust to bring ACE within acceptable limits by redistributing generation. Visit to learn more about system dynamics and disturbances!

  • Common NERC Exam Misconceptions

    Studying for and taking the NERC Reliability Coordinator (RC) exam can be challenging. Here are some common mistakes people often make: 1. Underestimating the Exam's Difficulty: Many candidates underestimate the complexity and breadth of the topics covered, leading to insufficient preparation. 2. Lack of a Study Plan: Failing to create and adhere to a structured study plan can result in inadequate coverage of essential topics. 3. Ignoring the NERC Standards: Not focusing enough on the NERC standards and regulations, which are critical to the exam, can hinder success. 4. Overlooking Practical Application: Focusing solely on theoretical knowledge without understanding how to apply it in real-world scenarios can be a significant drawback. 5. Inadequate Practice Exams: Not taking enough practice exams or simulations can leave candidates unprepared for the format and time constraints of the actual test. 6. Memorization Over Comprehension: Relying too heavily on memorization rather than truly understanding the material can lead to difficulty in answering application-based questions. 7. Neglecting Stress Management: Not practicing stress management techniques can impact performance during the exam due to anxiety or nervousness. 8. Ignoring Weak Areas: Avoiding or not spending enough time on weaker subject areas can result in gaps in knowledge that are critical for passing the exam. 9. Inconsistent Study Habits: Inconsistent or last-minute cramming sessions can lead to poor retention and understanding of the material. 10. Failure to Review Errors: Not thoroughly reviewing mistakes from practice tests to understand where and why errors were made can prevent improvement. By recognizing and addressing these common mistakes, candidates can better prepare for the NERC RC exam and increase their chances of success.

  • Area Control Error (ACE)

    Understanding Area Control Error (ACE): Tips and Tricks for Grid Operators In the realm of power grid management, maintaining a balanced and stable system is crucial. One key metric that helps operators achieve this is the Area Control Error (ACE). Understanding ACE and effectively managing it is essential for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of the grid. In this blog post, we will break down what ACE is, why it’s important, and share some tips and tricks to help you master it. What is Area Control Error (ACE)? Area Control Error (ACE) is a measure of the discrepancy between scheduled and actual power exchanges across a control area's boundary. Essentially, it indicates whether a control area is importing or exporting too much power. ACE is calculated using the formula: ACE = (NI - NIS) - β(FA - FS) Where: - NI: Net actual interchange (the actual power flow) - NIS: Net scheduled interchange (the scheduled power flow) - β: Frequency bias (a constant representing the control area's responsiveness to frequency deviations) - FA: Actual system frequency - FS: Scheduled system frequency Positive ACE means there is an excess of power in the control area, while negative ACE indicates a deficit. Why is ACE Important? 1. Grid Stability: Maintaining a balanced ACE is crucial for the stability of the power grid. Large deviations can lead to frequency instability, potentially causing blackouts or equipment damage. 2. Regulatory Compliance: Grid operators must comply with NERC standards, which include maintaining ACE within specified limits. 3. Economic Efficiency: Proper management of ACE can optimize the use of generation resources, reducing operational costs. Tips and Tricks for Managing ACE 1. Real-Time Monitoring: Use advanced monitoring tools to keep a constant watch on ACE values. Automated systems can provide alerts when ACE deviates beyond acceptable limits, allowing for quick corrective actions. 2. Automation and Control Systems: Implement automated generation control (AGC) systems that can automatically adjust generation levels to maintain a balanced ACE. AGC systems respond faster than manual interventions, helping to stabilize the grid more efficiently. 3. Frequency Response: Ensure that your frequency response mechanisms are properly tuned. This involves setting appropriate frequency bias settings to ensure your control area responds correctly to frequency deviations. 4. Load Forecasting: Accurate load forecasting helps in scheduling the right amount of power, reducing the chances of large ACE deviations. Utilize advanced forecasting models that incorporate weather data, historical usage patterns, and real-time information. 5. Training and Drills: Regular training and simulation drills for grid operators can improve their response to ACE deviations. Simulations of different scenarios help operators become proficient in handling emergencies and maintaining grid stability. 6. Coordination with Neighbors: Effective communication and coordination with neighboring control areas can help manage ACE more effectively. Collaborative efforts ensure that power imbalances are addressed promptly and do not cascade into larger issues. 7. Data Analysis: Regularly analyze historical ACE data to identify patterns and potential areas for improvement. Data-driven insights can lead to better strategies for maintaining a balanced ACE. 8. Energy Storage Solutions: Consider integrating energy storage systems, such as batteries, into your grid management strategy. These systems can quickly absorb or inject power to help balance ACE during sudden changes in demand or supply. Example of Solving an ACE Equation For NERC Exam Prep, let's work through an example of calculating ACE: Suppose the following values are given: - Net actual interchange (NI) = 200 MW - Net scheduled interchange (NIS) = 180 MW - Frequency bias (β) = 0.1 MW/0.1 Hz - Actual system frequency (FA) = 60.02 Hz - Scheduled system frequency (FS) = 60.00 Hz First, compute the interchange component: Interchange Component = NI - NIS = 200 MW - 180 MW = 20 MW Next, compute the frequency component: Frequency Component = β(FA - FS = 0.1 MW/0.1 Hz x (60.02 Hz - 60.00 Hz) = 0.02 MW Finally, calculate the ACE: ACE = Interchange Component - Frequency Component = 20 MW - 0.02 MW = 19.98 MW The positive ACE of 19.98 MW indicates that the control area is exporting more power than scheduled. Conclusion Mastering the management of Area Control Error is a critical skill for grid operators. By understanding ACE and implementing these tips and tricks, you can enhance the reliability and efficiency of your power grid. Stay vigilant, leverage technology, and continuously improve your strategies to ensure a stable and resilient grid. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on grid management from GridOps Academy. Happy balancing!

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